Installing work at Godinton house and Gardens.

On the 3rd of June I had a phone conversation with Rachael from Godinton House regarding the likelihood of the Sculpture in the Gardens exhibition being cancelled, after already having my exhibition at Kaleidoscope Gallery cancelled. At that time nothing had been finalised and it was not until 15th June that I received an email from Rachael informing me that they were canvassing the opinions of the artists who had been selected to exhibit. They wanted to know how we felt about the exhibition going ahead, opening from 25th July to 16th August. The dates chosen fitted in with my commitment to exhibit at Riverhead Himalayan Gardens in September to October so I was able to confirm my agreement to participate but told Rachael I would understand whichever conclusion was reached after the consultation process given the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid19 pandemic.
Once I received word that the exhibition was going ahead suitable plinths were purchased and made ready for the chosen sculptures and fixings put in place. Some of the work that had been packed and stored in readiness for the Sevenoaks exhibition was then prepared for outdoor exhibiting.
On Wednesday 22nd July, which was a beautifully sunny day, I was able to install four pieces of sculpture in the gardens at Godinton, as several other sculptors were installing their work.
I had chosen two smaller works and two medium sized works in order to provide pieces of sculpture suited to different sized gardens, interiors and budgets.

It was hard to believe it was four years since I last took work to Godinton. Speaking to Viv Hunt, the Head Gardener, it was clear that she was happy that the gardens were now able to open to visitors. I hope that the sculptures in the garden can make the experience all the more enjoyable for them.